
We All Need Help Sometimes

Turner & Porter makes it our mission to help every step of the way by guiding you through this difficult time.
Our extensive resources are sized to fit a variety of needs.

View our FAQ’s page to find answers to some of the most common questions concerning death,
funeral service options, and choosing the right funeral home.

Understanding Your Grief:

Touchstones for Hope and Healing

featuring Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.

brought to you by Turner & Porter

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Help Beyond the Funeral

Many people need help long after the funeral event. At Turner & Porter, we commit to you as a person, not a client, who may need help finding ways to deal with the pain.

Please feel free to click on the links below for a listing of both online support websites and phone numbers as well as literature that can be obtained through any of our Turner & Porter funeral chapels.

Want to Know More?

There’s a lot to know about about your funeral options. Choosing a funeral home, prices, funeral etiquette, or disposition options; sometimes it can seem overwhelming.

Click on the button below to link to some helpful information, or give us a call at any of our 4 convenient locations.

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A Community of Knowledge

Turner & Porter has been helping people for 140 years. We know a lot about helping people deal with loss. We are constantly striving to learn more, and are happy when we find others who can offer ideas and advice in areas that are often difficult and complex.

Click on the button below to link to articles that expand on various topics surrounding families and loss.

Stay Connected

Maybe you’re not here because of loss. Maybe you’re here because you
want to stay in touch, learn more, or work with us.


Turner & Porter is continuously working to be a place that connects people,
not only through death but by celebrating life.

Helpful Resources

At Turner & Porter, we understand that planning a funeral service, for yourself or for a loved one,
can be a difficult process. Here are some helpful links to make the process a bit easier.

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First Steps.

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Support for Grief and Loss.

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We’ve got the answers.

Our Locations

We have four locations available ready to serve you.

Yorke Chapel

2357 Bloor St W
Telephone 416.767.3153

Butler Chapel

4933 Dundas St W
Telephone 416.231.2283

Peel Chapel

2180 Hurontario St
Telephone 905.279.7663

Neweduk Chapel

1981 Dundas St W
Telephone 905.828.8000